Workflow Record Page

The Workflow Record page contains all information about a workflow and appears when you add a workflow or edit an existing one. The title of the page shows the name of the template used for the workflow, the Workflow ID, the current workflow step, the name of the Primary Person (if there is one) followed by the status of the workflow (Queued, Assigned or Closed) and the user or group. You can click the name link to go to the Primary Person's People record.  If your IQ database is setup for archiving and the workflow record has been archived, the page title will contain Archived.

The record page contains panels that let you enter information about a workflow, route it to other users, attach records and files, and record progress as various steps are completed. To access one of the following panels, click the appropriate tab:  General, Steps, People, Contacts, Data Fields, Attachments, Events,  Links, Documents and Discussion. The panel that appears when you open an existing workflow is the one set as your default in user Preferences.

A Step Help action is available for all panels of the Workflow Record page. If the workflow template contains help or instructions for completing the step, they will appear when you select the Step Help action. The Add Step Note action is also available in all of the workflow panels.

A Search This Record field is also available on each of the panels of the Workflow Record page. This field provides the ability to search for text in Workflow Notes, Step Notes, Attachments or Mail Records (Letter Name, People name or Mail comments). The Go link activates the search and the results are displayed below the Search this Record field with yellow highlight over the word or words that you searched for. When searching for a phrase, place braces { } around the phrase. The text "No Record Found" appears if the search does not find a note, attachment or mail record containing the text.

General Panel

The General panel displays the primary home and business addresses and all communication information such as phone numbers and email addresses for the primary person above the section tabs. Fields for entry of dates, notes, codes, and other information, as well as information about the current step are also available. Note that if the workflow is closed, access to fields on this panel is restricted so that the information cannot be changed. All steps, completed and current, appear at the bottom of the General panel as well as on the Steps panel.

The General panel is divided into the following sections: Workflow, Data Fields, Events, People, Workflow Notes, and Steps. The location of People, Data Fields or Events, on the General panel or on the Data Fields panel, Events panel or People panel depends on the how the workflow template is configured. Click the +/- button next to the section heading to expand or collapse field information in that section for all workflow records you access during the current IQ session. IQ also retains your selection when you log out and back into IQ.

Workflow Section

The Workflow section bar contains the status, the user who created the workflow, the date and time the workflow was created, who the workflow is currently assigned or queued to and the date and time the workflow was last revised. Select the Edit Open Date action to change the open date and/or time. The following fields are available in the Workflow section: Due, Step Due, Remind, Priority, Closed, Codes and Comments. The date and time on which the workflow is closed is entered in the Closed field when you close the workflow. The closed date and time can not be changed unless your user-id has been granted access to Security Lock #66.


Use the Due field to record the date by which all of the steps and actions in the workflow should be complete. Enter a date by typing it in or by clicking the calendar icon next to the field and selecting a date from the calendar that appears. You can also type +nn or -nn in the Due date field to change the date to nn days from or prior to the current date. The workflow Due date must be greater than the date the workflow was opened and greater than the Step Due date.

A due date is automatically entered in the workflow Due field if the workflow template has a relative due date set for this field. A due date is also automatically entered if the template has a workflow code associated with it and if that code has a default processing time. For example, if the "Immigration" workflow code has a default processing time of 90 days, the Due field is populated with a date that’s 90 days from the current date. Workflow code processing times are calculated and entered in the Due field only if the template due date is set to 0. If you add a workflow code with a default processing time to a workflow without a due date, the due date will be calculated and entered in the Due field when you save the record.

A system configuration setting lets you select business or calendar days for calculating the automatic due date. This setting affects the date that is automatically entered in the Due field if the workflow template has a relative due date set for this field. If you use +nn or -nn to enter the due date, IQ will use calendar days, even if business days is selected in your system configuration setting.

The due date can be used as an input range for some workflow reports. Additionally, workflow auto rules can use the due date to send alerts to users when a workflow is due to be completed. In addition to the workflow due date, each step in a workflow can have its own due date.

Step Due

Type the date on which the step is due to be completed. You may also click the calendar icon next to this field and select a date there. The date must be after the current date and before the workflow Due date. You may also enter a time in the field next to the Step Due field. If you don't enter a time, the field is automatically populated with 12:00 AM when you save the record. Optionally, you can type +nn or -nn in the Step Due field to change the date to nn days from or prior to the current date.

Note: A due date is automatically entered in the Step Due field if the workflow template has a relative due date set for this step field. A system configuration setting lets you select business or calendar days for calculating the automatic due date. This setting affects the date that is automatically entered in the Step Due field.

Remind Date

You can also set remind dates for steps. Workflow auto rules can use the remind and due dates to send alerts to specified users when action is due on a step. Type a date in the Remind Date field or click the calendar icon next to the field and select a date there. The date must be after the current date. You may also enter a time in the field next to the Remind Date field. If you don't enter a time, the field is automatically populated with 12:00 AM when you save the record. Optionally, you can type +nn or -nn in the Remind Date field to change the date to nn days from or prior to the current date.


Assign a priority from one through nine to the workflow by clicking in the Priority field and selecting a number from the list. Assign a number based on your office’s prioritization guidelines. Workflow priorities appear on the Workflow Search Results page. By clicking the Priority column heading you can sort workflow search results by priority.


Enter any code or codes that your office associates with this type of workflow. Type the code (or codes, one per line) in the field or click the search icon next to the field to display and select from a list of available codes. If one or more codes are associated with the workflow template you're using for the workflow, they will appear automatically in the Codes field.

If you select a workflow code that’s attached to a form letter, that form letter will be available whenever you send mail through this workflow and select the Limit by Codes check box in the Select Letter dialog box. If you select a workflow code that's attached to an agency contact, that People record will appear on the Contacts panel of the Workflow Record page.

If you create a new workflow using a template that has the same name as a workflow code, that code is automatically entered in the Workflow Codes field. If default workflow codes are assigned to the template you used to create the workflow, they are entered automatically in the Codes field.


Type any comments that pertain to the request. You may want to record information about the person or additional details about the request. This field is limited to 4,000 characters. If you manually enter text into this field, IQ displays the message "Please limit your entry to 4000 characters (# of characters cut=1)" once you type the 4,001 character and will not allow you to enter any additional characters. If you copy and paste text into this field, IQ will truncate it at 4,000 characters and display a message with the number of characters that were cut.

This is a text-entry field, which means you can type and delete text in this field just as in a word processor. Words wrap to the next line as you type them. You can manually increase or decrease the size of the field, by clicking the plus (+) or minus (-) icon. In addition, you can spell-check text entered into this field by clicking the spell check icon next to the field.

Data Fields Section

This section appears only if the workflow template contains data fields and is configured to display them on the General panel. The title of this section is established in the template and will vary from template to template. Data fields will appear on the Data Fields panel if the template is not configured to display them here.

Data fields are defined in the workflow template as single- or multi-valued. A single-valued data field provides a drop-down list; when you click in this field and click a value, it's entered in the field. A multi-valued field shows all available values. To select one value, click it to highlight it. To select multiple values, press the CTRL key as you click each value you want to select. To clear a value selection, press the CTRL key and click the selected value. All fields that are highlighted are recorded as selected.

IQ displays the data field label in the workflow record as defined in the workflow template. The "true" database field name is displayed in the bottom left corner of the Internet Explorer status bar when you place your mouse cursor in any user-defined data field.

Note: IQ provides the ability to create custom workflow code files that can be used in conjunction with workflow data fields. Contact your IT Consultant for assistance in setting up this feature.

Events Section

The Events section appears only if the workflow template is configured to display them on the General panel. If there are no Events attached to the workflow, the text "There are no Events associated with this Workflow" appears in this section.

People Section

The People section appears only if the workflow template is configured to display them on the General panel. If there are no People attached to the workflow, the text "There are no People records associated with this Workflow" appears in this section.

Workflow Notes Section

Workflow notes appear below the Workflow Notes section heading when you use the Add WF Note action. They are sorted by date and time, with the earliest note appearing at the top of the section. Workflow notes let you record information about the entire workflow. These differ from step notes, which may be attached to each step. This field is limited to 4,000 characters. If you manually enter text into this field, IQ displays the message "Please limit your entry to 4000 characters (# of characters cut=1)" once you type the 4,001 character and will not allow you to enter any additional characters. If you copy and paste text into this field, IQ will truncate it at 4,000 characters and display a message with the number of characters that were cut.

Steps Panel

All steps associated with the workflow, completed and current, appear at the bottom of the General panel and on the Steps panel. Step information includes the name of the step, remind and due dates, correspondence, notes, and attachments. The plus (+) and minus (–) appear in the step section bar to let you expand and collapse information in that section. The step name, and the step opened, remind, and due dates appear in the section bar. All actions taken for a step appear under the section bar. They are sorted in ascending order (oldest action on top), unless the template for the workflow is set to sort in descending order (most recent action on top).

Available actions for each step vary, depending on the workflow template. All templates include the ability to attach People and Agency Contact records and send mail to those records, attach files, add notes, and accept and release ownership. If you are not the author, owner, manager, or a queued-to user, actions may be unavailable if restricted by the workflow template to those users. All actions taken for and changes made to a workflow are recorded on the Steps panel if Audit Changes is turned on in the workflow template. The Audit Level action displays the default level. Click it to select the next level to either increase or decrease the amount of audit information that appears in the General and Steps panels. Note: If your IQ user-ID has not been granted access to Security Lock #76, then the Audit Level action will not appear and the audit level is set to level 1.  If Audit Changes is set to No, only actions such as accepting, releasing, and reassigning ownership, attaching records and files, and adding notes are recorded. If you decline to acquire ownership of a step, that is noted only when Audit Changes is set to Yes. Note: The Show All Steps and Show Current Steps actions only appear if the workflow contains more than one step.

People Panel

The People panel shows People records attached to the workflow. This panel does not appear if the template is configured to Show People on the General Tab. You can sort the records by clicking on the Name column. Note that the People ID appears if the People record does not contain a name. If the People records are agency contacts, a check mark appears in the Agcy column. If the Primary option is selected for a record, that person is the primary person for the workflow. If you added the workflow through a People record, that record is automatically identified as the primary person. You can change the primary person to anyone you have contacted through or attached to the workflow by selecting the Primary option button next to the name. Actions associated with this panel include Add Mail, Attach People, Detach People, Roles and Print Envelopes. These actions are available on the General panel if the template is configured to Show People on the General Tab.

Contacts Panel

The Contacts panel shows agency contacts that are associated with workflow codes assigned to the workflow. You can sort the agency contacts by clicking on the Name column. (The People ID appears if the People record does not contain a name.) Once you send mail to an agency contact, that contact record is attached and its information appears on the People tab. You can attach an agency contact without sending correspondence by selecting the check box next to it and then selecting the Attach Contact action.

Data Fields Panel

The Data Fields panel shows data fields that have been established for a workflow template. This panel does not appear if there are no data fields for the template or if the template is configured to show data fields on the General panel.

The ability to view or change data field information may also be restricted by the workflow template. If the spell check icon appears next to the data field, click it to check the spelling of the text you entered in this field. The availability of Spell Checker for data fields is determined by the workflow template.

You can merge the data you enter in these fields into a letter by typing the merge code for the data field into the letter text. For example, if a workflow template has a data field for Social Security Number and the field name is SSN, you can merge the correspondent’s Social Security number into a letter by inserting into the letter. Note that you must use the data field name, not the label. IQ displays the data field label in the workflow record as defined in the workflow template. The "true" database field name is displayed in the bottom left corner of the Internet Explorer status bar when you place your mouse cursor in any user-defined data field.

Attachments Panel

If there are any files attached to the workflow, they appear on the Attachments panel. Click the file name link to open the attachment. The Attach File action on this panel lets you attach files to the workflow. You can use the Check In as Document action to add the attached file to the IQ Documents module. IQ will automatically add the workflow ID and current date and time to the beginning of the file name, to ensure that the document name is unique. So for example, if the attached file name is "Criteria.doc", the workflow ID is 501559 and the current date and time is 10/31/2011 10:24am, the document name would be "501559_2011103110024_Criteria.doc". The System Configuration Setting Display Secure Record Message Details controls the level of information that is displayed for attached files with record security that restricts access to selected users or groups. In addition, the lock icon appears next to each attached file to indicate whether or not record security has been applied to the file.

Events Panel

If there are any Events attached to the workflow, they appear on the Events panel. Click the name link to open the event. Select the Return to Workflow action in the Event record to return back to the Workflow record. The Attach Event and Attach New Event actions on this panel let you attach existing and new events to the workflow. The Detach Event action is available when events are attached and lets you detach them from the workflow. Note that the message text "Calendar module is not active" appears if your user-id does not have access to the Calendar module and/or if the Show Events option is not selected in the workflow template.

Links Panel

If there are any workflows attached to this workflow, or if this workflow was created from another workflow, links to parent and child workflows appear on this panel. The ID, workflow template name, the step status, who the workflow is assigned to, the due date, closed date, workflow codes, priority, comments and attachments appear for each linked workflow.  In addition, if the workflow template is set to display one or more data fields, that information will also appear.

Click a column heading to re-sort the linked workflows by information in that column. Note that clicking the WF Code column heading will re-sort the panel based on the first workflow code for each workflow record.  To access a record in the list, click the ID link to go to the Workflow Record page.

The Attach Workflow and Attach New Workflow links let you attach existing and new workflows to this one.  Note that these actions remain available when the workflow is closed if your IQ user-id has access rights to create new workflow. The Detach Workflow action allows you to detach a linked workflow, if your IQ user-ID has been granted access to Security Lock #89.

You can use the Mass Complete action to complete the current step of attached workflows as long as the selected workflows are open, assigned to a user, use the same template and are on the same step.

The Print action allows you to print a hard-copy of one or more selected linked workflows.

Documents Panel

If there are any documents associated with the workflow, they appear on the Documents panel. Click the document name to open the document. You can attach an existing document or create a new document or form letter as well as adding step notes. The Detach Document action is grayed out if there are no documents attached. The Check Out and Check In actions are available for checking out and checking in documents. Note: You can check in more than one document, however, you can only check out and edit one document at a time. Selecting more than one document and then selecting the Check Out action will change the document status to "Checked Out", but will not open the associated application for each checked out document. The Attach Record action appears if records management has been configured in the associated workflow template. This action allows you to search for an existing record in your IQ Archivist module, place a copy of it in the selected Document Directory folder and attach it to the workflow. In addition, if you have Adobe Acrobat Pro installed on your workstation and have entered the Adobe Printer name in your user Preferences, the Prepare for Redaction check box will appear  Selecting this check box will automatically download the selected document to your workstation, convert it to a PDF, upload it into the selected Document Directory folder and attach it to the workflow. You may then check out the PDF, which will open in Acrobat where you can use Adobe's redaction tools. The System Configuration Setting Display Secure Record Message Details controls the level of information that is displayed for attached documents with record security that restricts access to selected users or groups. In addition, the lock icon appears next to each attached file to indicate whether or not record security has been applied to the file.

Discussion Panel

The Discussion panel contains a discussion topic tree with topics and their associated replies. Select the New Topic action to add a new topic. The subject of each topic is highlighted in blue and the subjects of the associated replies are slightly indented below each topic. Note that a discussion topic tree can be deleted if your user-id has been granted access to Security Lock #85 in Workflow Security.