Searching for Records

There are two types of searches available for records: a content search lets you search for records that contain specific text; an advanced search lets you view and select all possible criteria on which you want to base your search.

To perform a content search for records:

  1. Click the Archivist module tab and click the Search submenu link. The Search Records field defaults to By Content.

  2. Leave the Search Text for field empty if you want to find ALL records; OR

Enter text in the Search Text for field to limit the search to records which contain this text. This search includes, but is not limited to, the contents of the workflow report, attached files and associated mail records.

  1. Click the GO button to begin the search and display the results which contain links to the record ID and associated data.

If you're not satisfied with the results of your search, click the Modify Search link to modify your search or select the Advanced option to use more criteria in your search.

  1. Click the record ID link in the RM ID column to display the record.

To perform an advanced search for records:

  1. Click the Archivist module tab and click the Search submenu link.

  2. Click in the Search Records field and select Advanced. IQ displays additional fields for searching.

  3. Type your search criteria into one or more fields. When you enter criteria in more than one field, the search will result in records that meet all the criteria (an AND search).

  4. Click the GO button to begin the search and display the results which contain links to the record ID and associated data.

If you're not satisfied with the results of your search, click the Modify Search link to modify your search or select the Advanced option to use more criteria in your search.

  1. Click the record ID link in the RM ID column to display the record.

Advanced Search Criteria

Advanced Search fields let you enter as much criteria as necessary to find the record or records you're searching for. The more information you enter, the more specific your search will be. Remember that when you enter criteria in more than one field, the advanced search finds records that meet all the criteria (an AND rather than an OR search). For example, if you enter criteria in the Search Text for, Date Created, and Date Disposing fields, the search will return only those records that meet all these criteria. Records with matching criteria in only one or two of the fields would not be returned.

Search Text for

Enter text in the Search Text for field to limit the search to records which contain this text. This search includes, but is not limited to, the contents of the workflow report, attached files and associated mail records. If you're searching for a phrase, enclose the words in braces { }. Use the following operators to limit your search.


Use AND to search for attachments with at least one occurrence of each term.

budget and taxes
returns attachments with both budget and taxes.


Use OR to search for attachments with at least one occurrence of any term.

budget or taxes
returns attachments with either budget or taxes.


Use NOT to search for attachments with one term and not another.

budget not taxes
returns attachments with budget but only if they do not also contain taxes.


Use NEAR to search for attachments with terms that are near to one another.

budget near taxes
returns attachments where the term budget is near the term taxes.


Use ACCUM to search for attachments with at least one occurrence of any term and rank according to the number found.

budget accum taxes
returns attachments with either budget or taxes, but those with both terms will receive a higher numerical ranking and appear at the top of the search results.

Date Created

To find records that were created within a date range, enter a beginning date in the From field and an ending date in the To field by typing a date or by clicking the calendar icon next to the field and selecting a date. Leave both fields blank to include all records in your search, regardless of when the record was added. Enter a date in the From field only to find all records with created date equal to or greater than that date. Enter a date in the To field only to find all records with a created date less than or equal to the one in the To field.

Date Disposing

To find records that contain a Disposition Date within a specific date range, enter a beginning date in the From field and an ending date in the To field by typing a date or by clicking the calendar icon next to the field and selecting a date. Leave both fields blank to include all records in your search, regardless of the disposition date. Enter a date in the From field only to find all records with a disposition date equal to or greater than that date. Enter a date in the To field only to find all records with a disposition date less than or equal to the one in the To field.

Record Lists

The Record Lists field lets you find records in a previously selected list. For example, you can create a list to find records that are on "Hold". Click in this field to view all Record lists and click a list to select it. You can filter the selected list by entering criteria in other advanced search fields.