Mail Record Page

The Mail Record page contains all information about mail you've received and your response to it. The title of the page shows the status of the mail record, the record ID and the name of the correspondent. You can click the name link to go to the correspondent's People record. If the mail record is associated with a workflow, the title will begin with "Workflow Related Mail" and include the workflow ID. If your IQ database is setup for archiving and the mail record has been archived, the page title will begin with the text "Archived".

The record page contains tabs for five panels with information about the letter or e-mail message you received and your response. These include the Mail panel, which contains the primary fields for the correspondence and contains actions to let you customize, batch, and print letters; the People panel, which shows and provides links to all People records receiving this correspondence; the Status Log panel, which tracks all actions taken for this correspondence; the Summary panel, which displays the People Summary report for the associated People record; and the Discussion panel which allows you to create a new discussion topic or reply to an existing one for the Mail record. In addition to these five panels, IQ displays two additional panels, Print Format and E-Mail Format, when you customize a letter.

Mail Panel

Fields on the Mail panel let you record the primary information for this piece of mail. This includes incoming information (priority, issues, assignment, comments and attachments) and outgoing information (date, address, letter name, status). In addition, the Mail panel also contains a section with contact information. Actions for the Mail panel allow you to save the record as a template, print various forms of the letter, including draft and final; print envelope, label or quick report; and add workflow. In addition, if the Mail record is associated with a workflow, then that workflow's quick report actions will also appear in the Mail record. This allows you to easily view data from the associated Workflow record, without having to leave the Mail record.


Fields in the Incoming section of the Mail panel let you record information about the incoming correspondence and assign it to a staff member for a response. These fields include In Method, Date In, Issues, Assigned To, Priority, Comments, and Attachments.  In addition to these standard fields, any Mail custom fields configured for your office will also be displayed in this section.

In Method

Use this field to record how the correspondent contacted your office. IQ enters your default user preference for incoming method.   Examples of incoming methods are US Postal Mail, E-Mail, Fax, and Telephone Call. Incoming Methods are translation codes; you can create additional codes if needed.

If you're initiating mail that's not in response to incoming correspondence, click in the In Method field and select No Incoming.

In E-Mail Info

If the In Method is E-Mail, the sender's email address and subject of the attached incoming email message are displayed here after the From: and Subject: labels. Also displayed here is the information sent between the <TOPIC> and <CUSTOM1> tags in a formatted email. If the value between the <TOPIC></TOPIC> tags begins with HTTP: or HTTPS: it appears as a hyperlink here and opens in a new window when clicked. The value between the <CUSTOM1></CUSTOM1> tags is displayed here after the Custom Info: label.

Date In

Record the date on which you log the mail into your system by typing a date in the field or clicking the calendar icon next to the field and selecting a date from the calendar that appears. This field automatically reflects today's date.


This field lets you record the issue or issues that the incoming correspondence addresses. To enter data in this field, type the code or codes, one per line, or click the search icon next to the field to search for and select the codes you want to enter. If a user name is associated with the issue code, it appears automatically in the Assigned To field. If you enter multiple issue codes that have user names assigned to them, the user name from the first issue code you enter will be used.

Assigned To

This fields defaults to the name of the logged-in user. If a user name is associated with the issue code that you entered in the Issues field, that name replaces the logged-in user name. Click the search icon next to this field to find and select a different user if you want to assign the mail to someone else. An entry is required in this field.


Click in this field to set a priority of High, Medium, Low, or None. This information appears on the Mail Search Results page. By clicking the Priority column heading on that page you can re-sort mail by priority. You can also search for mail with one or multiple priorities using an Advanced Search.


Record any comments regarding the incoming correspondence in this field. Information in this field is truncated at 4,000 characters, and you are informed as to the number of characters that were cut. The Comments field is available as a merge field for letter processing. You can search for mail based on text in this field.

This is a text-entry field, which means you can type and delete text in this field just as in a word processor. You can spell-check text entered into this field by clicking the spell check icon next to the field.


If the Mail record contains an In Method of E-Mail, the incoming email file and its attachments will appear in this field. Click the filename to view its contents. Files with an .eml extension will open in the E-Mail Viewer, other attached files such as .doc or .docx will open in their associated application, such as Microsoft Word.

To attach additional files, click the paper icon to the right of the Attachments field. IQ displays the Attach Incoming File dialog. To detach a file, click the x to the right of the file name. IQ will display a message asking you to confirm. Note: If the incoming method is E-Mail and there is an attached .eml file, then the paper clip icon will not be available for attaching additional files.

If your workstation is configured with a scanner, you can scan and attach a file by clicking the scanner icon. IQ displays the IQ Scanning and Image File Upload dialog.


This section contains information about the correspondence you're sending. The following fields are available in the Outgoing section of the Mail panel:  Method, Letter Date, Salutation, Postal Address, Status, Email Attachments, Form Letter, Batch, Search Text, Letter View, Envelope, and Outgoing Copy. If the outgoing method is E-Mail, then additional fields will appear below the Postal Address for sending e-mail messages. IQ will also display the contents of the incoming email message in the Incoming iframe.


This field shows the method by which the letter will be delivered. For new Mail records, IQ automatically enters your default user preference for outgoing method. Click in the field to select another method from the list that appears or type the first letter of a method to enter it in the field.  Outgoing Methods are stored in code files and can be modified. Examples of outgoing methods are US Postal Mail and E-Mail. If you select an Out Method of E-Mail, six additional fields become available: From, To, CC, Auto CC, BCC, and Subject. A message will appear if the People record does not contain an e-mail address and the selected Out Method is E-Mail.

Note: IQ automatically sets the Outgoing Method to E-Mail whenever the People record contains a valid e-mail address and has E-Mail Preferred selected.

Letter Date

The letter date is the date that will be printed at the top of the letter. Enter a date in this field by typing a date in the field or clicking the calendar icon next to the field and selecting a date from the calendar that appears. If you leave this field blank, IQ will use the date on which the letter is printed, whether individually or as part of a batch.


The information in this field appears in the salutation of the letter. Four salutations are available: Formal (Dear Mr. Smith), Informal (Dear John), Family (Dear Smith Family), and Dear Friend, which should be used if you're responding to an e-mail message and there is no name information available. This field defaults to the salutation selected as the Default Salutation for your office, unless you select another default salutation in your user Preferences.  Note: If your office has selected a Default Agency Salutation, it will appear in this field for People records that are Agency Contacts.

Postal Address

This field displays the primary mailing address. To send the letter to a different address, if one is available, click in the field and select the address you want to use. If Restrict Letter Printing if Postal Address is incomplete is set to Yes in your IQ System Configuration settings and the selected domestic address does not contain a City, State, Zip and at least one Address or Organization line, IQ will display the text "Incomplete Address" in the Address field. A foreign address is considered incomplete if Address Lines 1 thru 4 or Country are missing. The Print actions will remain unavailable until the address is corrected, another address is selected or you select the Override check box.

E-Mail Fields

If you select an Out Method of E-Mail, then the following additional fields will appear for information specific to e-mail messages:


The email address displayed (or entered) into this field is the address that will appear in the From field of the receiver's message. If the selected form letter contains a "from" E-Mail Address, that e-mail address will appear in this field. Otherwise, this field defaults to the e-mail address entered in the Default From E-Mail Address for Outgoing messages field in your IQ System Configuration Settings. Note: If your user-id has been granted access to Security Lock #51, you can enter another e-mail address in this field to use in place of your office default.

A drop-down list with additional e-mail addresses will appear for this field, if the From E-Mail Address List for Outgoing messages field in your IQ System Configuration Settings contains one or more e-mail addresses.  If your user-id has been granted access to Security Lock #51, you can select an address from the drop-down list. If your user-id does not have access to Lock #51, the From field will be greyed out and limited to the Default From E-Mail Address for Outgoing messages.


This field defaults to the primary e-mail address for the People record when you create a Mail record. If the mail record is created as a result of an incoming e-mail message, the From e-mail address in the email message will be used.  Click in this field to select another e-mail address from the list, if the People record contains more than one e-mail address.


Type the e-mail address(es) of additional people to whom you want to send this message. As you type, a drop-down list of possible email addresses will appear. Click the email address to select it. Separate addresses with a semi-colon. Note: If the Mail record is associated with a Workflow, IQ displays a lookup icon next to this field. Click it to display a list of other people (with email addresses) that are attached to the workflow. Any email addresses selected in the popup list are appended to the CC field on the Mail record page.

Auto CC

Select this check box if you would like IQ to append the other non-selected email addresses for the associated People record(s) to the email addresses entered in the CC field.


Type the e-mail address(es) of additional people to whom you want to send a blind carbon copy of this message. As you type, a drop-down list of possible email addresses will appear. Click the email address to select it. Separate addresses with a semi-colon. Note: If the Mail record is associated with a Workflow, IQ displays a lookup icon next to this field. Click it to display a list of other people (with email addresses) that are attached to the workflow. Any email addresses selected in the popup list are appended to the BCC field on the Mail record page.


Leave the Subject field blank if you would like IQ to use the default subject for your office. Otherwise, type the subject of your e-mail message (up to 200 characters). It will appear in the subject line of the receiver's message. If the selected form letter contains an e-mail subject, IQ will only use it if the Subject field is blank, unless Always Use is selected in the Form Letter record page. In that case, the existing subject in the Mail record will be over-written by the form letter's e-mail subject when the letter is assigned. You can also include merge codes in the Subject field. If no data is found for the merge code, it is omitted from the subject and if data in the specified field exceeds the allowable length of the subject line, it is truncated.


The Status field records the status of the mail record. This field normally defaults to Approved when you add a new record. If, however, your user ID is set up to require approval of mail before it is sent, this field will default to On Hold.

When you print the final letter or send the e-mail message, the status is automatically changed to Completed. You can also manually change the status to Completed by clicking in the field and selecting that status. IQ displays Date Out (below the Status field) with the date and time the Mail record was completed. If the letter was printed or emailed, IQ displays Date Printed along with the date and time. In addition, if the Mail record is an outgoing e-mail (such as an e-newsletter mailing) and your IQ system is configured for IQ Connect, a Viewed by: n out of n recipients link will appear. When you click this link, the Targeted Mail Recipient Analysis report appears with a detailed analysis of the recipients of the e-mail by the view rate and non-deliverable rate as well as details on any surveys the recipient has completed.

To place a piece of mail on hold and prevent it from being printed in final either individually or as part or a batch, or sent as an e-mail message, select the On Hold status. A status of On Hold is automatically selected by IQ when you create a custom letter.

Two approval statuses are available in this field, if your office is setup to use the mail approval process. One is used by the person originating the mail to route it for approval (Request Approval), and the other is used by the person approving the mail to return it to the originator when it is not approved (Denied Approval). When you select the Request Approval status, a field will appear next to the Status field with one of two entries, Any Form/Custom Letter Approver or the name of your default approver for form or custom letters as set in your user Preferences. This lets you route the letter to the person or persons with review and approval authority for your mail and lets them locate and approve it. When you save the Mail record, the selected approver(s) will be sent an alert message, if your office has selected the option to "Send Automatic Alerts when Requesting or Denying Approval of Mail" in the System Configuration Settings page.

Two pseudo statuses Complete as Duplicate and Complete with No Response are also available in this field. If the Mail record contains a duplicate letter to the person or household, select the status of Complete as Duplicate. IQ will change the Out Method to No Outgoing, add the Letter Name to the Incoming Comments field along with the text "Recorded as a duplicate" and change the Status to Completed for the Mail record.

If no response is needed for the Mail record, select the status of Complete with No Response. IQ will change the Out Method to No Outgoing, clear the Form Letter field, add the text "Recorded as needing no response" to the Incoming Comments field and change the Mail record Status to Completed.

Email Attachments

This field contains files that will be attached to outgoing correspondence when it's sent as an e-mail message.  If the letter selected for this mail record has files attached to it, they appear automatically in this field. To attach additional files, click the paper icon to the right of this field. IQ displays the Attach File to Outbound E-Mail dialog. To detach a file, click the x to the right of the file name. IQ will display a message asking you to confirm.


This field appears when there is a file in the Attachments field in the Incoming section of the Mail record. If there is more than one attached incoming file, IQ displays the contents of the first attached file. Note: If the first attached file is an image file and you selected Disable Image View in your user Preferences, then IQ will not display the image file here. In addition, this is hidden if the first attached incoming is a .pdf and the browser is Internet Explorer. If the In Method is E-Mail, IQ displays the contents of the email message text (i.e. <MSG></MSG> tag for formatted emails) in this iframe. When you click in this field, IQ automatically expands the iframe to display the entire contents of the attached file. Click in this field a second time to collapse the iframe.

Form Letter

If you know the name of the form letter you want to use, you can type it in this field. Or click the lookup icon to display the Select Letter dialog box, which contains a listing of form letters associated with the selected issue or workflow codes. When you find the letter you want to use, double click it to return it to the Form Letter field. You can also select a letter by single clicking it, IQ displays the contents of the letter in the iframe. Click the Save button located at the bottom of the Select Letter dialog. Note: IQ displays the status and size of the selected form letter to the right of the this field. If the size of the letter exceeds the maximum allowed for your IQ system, a warning message will appear.

Select the Show All button at the top of the Select Letter dialog box to display a list of all the form letters and formats. Select the Recently Used button to display a list of form letters that you selected in previous mail records or in Change Data during the current IQ login session. To display only formats, select the Formats Only button. To search for a form letter and attach it to the mail record, select the Library Search button.

Form letters with a status of Approved appear in the list; those with a status of Inactive do not. Form letters with any other status will appear if they're assignable and will be labeled as follows: -d- for Draft, -ra- for Request Approval, and -da- for Denied Approval. Form letters with these three status codes can be assigned but not printed in final or sent via e-mail until their status is changed to Approved.

Multiple versions of a letter might appear in the list. When a new version of a letter is created, if the previous version is not made Inactive, it will appear in the list.

If the form letter you select contains fill-ins, those fields will appear below the Batch field.

Once you've selected a form letter in this field, you can customize it by selecting the Customize HTML or Customize Word link. If you assign a letter that's checked out, the checked-out icon appears next to the Form Letter field. You'll be unable to select Print Final until the  letter is checked in. If you assign a letter that's been sent to this individual or to someone else in this person's household, a popup message "n of n duplicate letters to person" or "n of n duplicate letters to household" appears. In addition, the notation n of n duplicate letters to person or n of n duplicate letters to household appears next to the Form Letter field. If the letter is a duplicate for both the person and the household, then the message "n of n duplicate letters to person and n of n to household" appears.

If you don't have a form letter that you want to use or customize, you can create an entirely new letter by leaving the Form Letter field blank and selecting the Customize HTML or Customize Word link. This uses your default custom letter format into which you can type your new letter in the HTML editor or Word.

When you customize a letter, IQ displays the Print Format and E-Mail Format panels.


If you know the name of an existing batch, you may type it in this field or click the lookup icon to display the select/add to batch dialog. The record count and the created date, time and user is displayed to the right of this field for the new or existing batch.

Fill Ins

Form letters can contain merge fields which let you tailor a letter by entering information pertinent to the correspondence you're replying to. If you selected one of these form letters in the Form Letter field, the fields to be filled in appear below the Batch field. Some fill-in fields require entry of numeric information or entry of information in a special format, depending on the type of fill-in. Press the TAB key or use mouse clicks to move among the fields and fill them in. If the spell check icon appears next to a field, you can check the spelling of your entry in that field. Note: If a form letter contains a fill-in field which is marked as required and the outgoing method is E-Mail, you will not be able to send the outgoing email until the required fill-in(s) are completed.

Search Text

The Search Text field is available for non-completed Mail and users with access rights to modify the Mail record. Type a word or words in the Search Text field to locate other Custom or Form Letters that contain the entered word or words and click the Search link. IQ opens the Search Recent Custom Letters and Form Letter Library dialog and display the results of your search. Use the additional text search fields to refine your search.

Letter View

This section displays the contents of the selected form letter with radio options to toggle between the Content, E-Mail or Printed views. Click the Customize link if you would like to use the selected form letter to create a custom letter for this Mail record.  


If an envelope format is assigned to the form letter you entered in the Letter Name field, it will appear automatically in this field. If a format does not appear, click the search icon next to this field to select a format for the envelope if you'll be printing one for the letter. In the Select Envelope Format dialog box, click the format you want to use to return it to the Envelope field. If you know the name of the format, you can type it in the Envelope field.

If you leave the Envelope field blank, the default envelope format that's set in your user Preferences is used if you print an envelope for the letter. It will not appear in this field.

Outgoing Copy

This field is used to store a scanned copy of an outgoing letter which contains a handwritten signature or note that was added to the letter after it was printed. To attach a previously scanned file, click the paper icon to the right of the Outgoing Copy field. IQ displays the Attach Incoming File dialog. To detach a file, click the x to the right of the file name. IQ will display a message asking you to confirm.

If your workstation is configured with a scanner, you can scan and attach a file by clicking the scanner icon. IQ displays the IQ Scanning and Image File Upload dialog.

Contact Information

The Contact Information section contains all of the Communication information from the People record along with pending and completed Mail and Workflow for the past 90 days for the People record as well as the Household. Note: If your office uses user-defined Communication Type codes, they will also appear in this section along with the standard Communication Type codes for Intranet Quorum.

People Panel

The name, email address and postal address of the person to whom the letter was sent appears on the People panel. If the Mail record you're viewing is a targeted mailing, multiple names appear on this panel. To locate a specific person in the list of People records, enter their first, last or first and last name in the Search Targeted Mail for field and press the TAB key or click the Go button. You can attach additional people to the Mail record with the Attach People action. Once you attach more than one People record to a Mail record, the mailing is considered a targeted mailing. Select the Review People action to move or remove people based on duplicate letter or no email address. IQ displays the results with options to move the records to a new targeted mailing. To remove one or more people from the Mail record, select the check box next to the name(s) and then select the Remove People button. If the targeted mail is an e-newsletter, e-survey or other outgoing e-mail and IQ Connect is configured for your office, select the Wide E-mail and Survey View to display the Viewed and Surveys columns.

Status Log Panel

The Status Log panel tracks every action that was taken with regard to this mail record. The information recorded includes the date and time of the action, the user who performed the action, and the action (for example any field changes to the record, and any batch, print or email actions). If the Mail record is an outgoing email a list of the email addresses that the email was sent to appears on this panel. The Status Log panel also contains links to previous versions of Customized Letters.

Summary Panel

The Summary panel displays the People Summary report for the associated People record. It contains the primary addresses and communication information, household and salutation information, pending and completed mail and workflow, and associated events and boards.

Discussion Panel

The Discussion panel contains a discussion topic tree with topics and their associated replies. Select the New Topic action to add a new topic. The subject of each topic is highlighted in blue and the subjects of the associated replies are slightly indented below each topic. Note that a discussion topic tree can be deleted if your user-id has been granted access to Security Lock #49 in Mail Security.

Print Format Panel

The Print Format panel appears when you customize a letter and allows you to select another format to change the appearance of the printed letter.

E-Mail Format Panel

The E-Mail Format panel appears when you customize a letter and allows you to select another format to change the appearance of the e-mailed letter.