Importing People Records

You can import name and address records that are in ASCII comma-quote, CSV, Tab, or Bar (|) delimited files into the Intranet Quorum People database. In addition, you can update the email address and affiliation codes in existing IQ People records by selecting the source type of "E-Mail Update".  It is recommended that you work with your IT Consultant when importing records into your People database, particularly the first time you use this function and especially for large data files.

Data that can be imported includes standard People fields (name, address, communication, etc.) as well as user defined Communication Codes and Custom Fields (People and Address). IQ trims leading and trailing spaces in tab-delimited files to improve the results of the import. You preview and change mapping for each field so that the import file does not have to be in a pre-defined record layout. When you import records through Sets, you can assign affiliation codes and incoming and outgoing correspondence.

The Import process will check the email address to see if it contains an invalid character or is missing the @ sign or period. If it is not valid, then the email address will not be added to the People record in IQ.

If IQ finds a matching People record based on name and mailing address, but not email address, the newly imported email address will be marked as Primary. The original email address will remain in the People record, but will no longer be marked as Primary.

If the Duplicate Check option is selected, IQ will check for a duplicate People record and select the existing record when it finds a match. IQ uses the nickname table to determine whether first names are a match when identifying duplicate records during an Import. So, for example, a first name of Robert and a first name of Bob would be considered a match. If no match is found, IQ creates a new People record. It is recommended that you run address checker on the existing people records in your IQ database before you import a large number of records. The Import process compares addresses and looks for an exact match in order to determine if an existing record will be selected or a new record created. If addresses have not been normalized through Address Checker, existing records may not be located during an Import.

It is also recommended that you import data that contains either a nameline (Mr. John J. Smith) or name parts (Prefix, First Name, etc), but not both. In addition, do not import data with Address Line 3 or Address Line 4 unless all of the addresses that you are importing are foreign.

To import People records into Intranet Quorum:

  1. Create a Set for the imported records. If you want to assign affiliation codes or incoming or outgoing correspondence to all imported People records, enter the information in the appropriate fields on the Set Definition page.

  2. Select the Save & Import action.

  3. Complete fields on the Import File page.

  4. Click the First Record button to display the mapping table. Note: Click OK if the message "First row of data appears to be a header and will not be imported." appears.

  5. Click the Next Record button at the bottom of the mapping table to view the next data record and see how the information in the import file will be mapped to People fields. You can continue viewing import data by clicking the Next Record button or return to the beginning of the file by clicking the First Record button.

  6. If you want to change mapping for a field, click in the Select Field Type column for that field and choose a different field from the drop-down list. The last mapping selection you make for each field will be used for all records in the import file.

  7. Click the Import Now button to import the records immediately. IQ displays the progress of the import process. Click the OK button when you receive The Import Process has completed message.


Click the Run Import in Background button to import the records as a background job. IQ displays the Import File dialog where you can select the date and time that you would like IQ to import the records. You must enter your email address in the E-Mail Report to These Addresses field before you click the  Submit Background Job button. IQ displays the background job # , date and time. Click the Return button to close the Import File dialog. IQ sends an email alert to the email address(es) entered in the E-Mail Report to These Addresses field with the Subject "People Import" and message text "Background Job started at hh:mm:ss AM/PM and ended at hh:mm:ss AM/PM. The Background Job for the Set Name 924 has Completed without error. There are a total of 215 records imported."

  1. Click the Import link in the Source column for a listing of all records in the set.

  2. Post the Set records.

Related Topics

Import File Page

This page lets you enter information about the records you want to import into a Set.

Import File – Type the name of the file to be imported in the Import File field, or click the Browse button next to that field to find and enter the file. Once you've entered the file name, click the First Record button to display a table that lets you map the imported data to the appropriate fields.

File Type – Click in this field and select the format of the data to be imported: Comma/Quote Delimited, Tab Delimited, or Bar Delimited.

Duplicate Check  – When this option is selected, IQ will check your database for an existing People record that matches each of the imported records. When this option is NOT selected, IQ will create a new People record for each of the imported records without checking for a duplicate. This is useful when the records being imported contain more data than the matching People record in your IQ database. You can then run an Auto Merge and select the "Most Recently Entered Person in to Database" option as the destination record to preserve the data in the newly imported People record.

First Line – Select Import (Data) to import the first line or select Ignore (Header) to ignore the first line and start data import with the second line. If the file you’re importing contains a header you can use these options to map and import it or not.

Mapping Table

The mapping table on the Import File dialog shows how data in the import file will be mapped to People fields. If your import file contains a header and you selected the First Line Import Data option, the header information appears first. IQ attempts to map it to the appropriate People fields (name, address, communication and custom fields) and enters those fields under the Select Field Type column. You can accept those field assignments or change them by clicking in the field next to the data and selecting a different People field from the list that appears. If your import file doesn't contain a header, the first record in the file appears, and you must select a People field for each import data field. Note: If Security Lock #28 is Denied for your IQ user-id, then the E-Mail Address field will not be available for importing.

Click the Next Record button at the bottom of the Import File dialog to view the next data record and see how the information will be mapped. You can continue viewing import data by clicking the Next Record button or return to the beginning of the file by clicking the First Record button. The last mapping selection you make for each field will be used for all records in the import file when you click the Import Into Set button.