Background Jobs

The Background Jobs submenu link in the My IQ module provides a list of background jobs that are queued, running, failed or completed for Address Checker, Auto Merge, Lists, Outgoing Email, Reports, Sets and Workflow Auto Rules. The list defaults to Queued and Running Background Jobs for your IQ user-id. There are actions available to show queued, running, failed, completed and canceled jobs for all users. Or select the Quick Search action to search for background jobs for a selected user, status, job title, scheduled date, IQ3 Job or reccuring job type.

Click a column heading to resort the list of background jobs. Actions are also available to delete, edit or cancel background jobs. The list of Failed Background Jobs for All Users contains an additional action, Re-Queue Job. This action allows you to quickly re-queue multiple failed jobs without having to edit each one individually to change the scheduled date and time.  IQ automatically removes all completed, canceled or failed jobs whose scheduled date and time is at least 90 days prior to the current date and time. In addition, IQ deletes the existing background job for workflow alert auto rules and creates a new background job when the due dates or remind date are changed. This prevents multiple alerts from being sent to the recipient each time the due dates or remind date are changed for a workflow record.

Note: The message "Background e-mailing has failed for you. There are XX background email jobs that have failed to start for more than 12 hours. Please contact your system administrator or LMDSI Technical Support for assistance." will appear when you log into IQ even if you have selected "Do not Show System Warnings at Login" in your user Preferences.