Search Criteria

The Calendar Search page lets you search for events based on information in event records. Fields and options on this page let you identify event dates, times, topics, status, and other information to locate one or more events. You can search for events that contain specific information in a single field, or you can base your search on information contained in multiple fields. When you enter criteria in more than one field, the search will result in events that contain all of the criteria (an AND search).  For example, if you enter criteria in the Topic Code, Event Status, and Entered By fields, the search will return only those events contain the code and the status and the entered by information. Events with matching criteria in only one or two of the fields would not be returned. If you select multiple items within a field, for example, more than one topic code, the search will result in events that contain any of the criteria (an OR search).

The following fields and options are available:  Search Events, Calendar, Topic Code, Office Location, Search Text In, Include Events, Synchronization Status, Date Range, Start Time Range, Event Status, Entered by and Date, Revised Date, Calendar List, Attached People, Search by ID and Custom Field and Value.

Search Events

This field defaults to All Events. If any custom searches have been created from Event Lists, they will appear in this field.


This field automatically displays your default calendar, if you selected one in your user Preferences. You may select another calendar or additional calendars by clicking the search icon next to the field and selecting a calendar from the list that appears or by typing the full or partial calendar name in the Calendar field.  

Topic Code

Search for all events containing one or more topic codes by clicking the search icon next to the field and selecting a code or codes from the list that appears. The Join Topic Code with that appears below the Topic Code field allows you to find events that contain any one of the selected topics by selecting the "or" option. Select "and" if you only want to find events that contain ALL of the selected topic codes.

Office Location

The Office Location field lets you search for events that are scheduled for a particular area. Depending on how you set up your codes for this field, office locations can be used to differentiate DC events from those in the district or state, or it can be used to identify a more specific location of an event. Search for all events in a particular location by clicking the search icon next to this field and selecting a location from the list that appears.

Search Text In

You can search for events based on words or other text strings contained in the Summary, Notes, or Short Description fields or in any files attached to the event. Select one or more check boxes to indicate where you want to search for the text. If you select more than one of these check boxes, an implied OR search is performed—the index for each is searched individually and then the results are combined.

Type the word for which you're searching in the field below the check boxes. If you're searching for a phrase, enclose the words in braces { }. You can also use parentheses to organize the logic of your search, for example "(apple AND oranges) OR fruit". You can use $ for word stemming, for example $speak finds words like SPEAK (SPEAK, SPEAKS, SPOKE and SPOKEN. The % allows you to search for words which begin with (appl%), end with (%tion) or contains (%part%) a string. For example, appl% finds words which begin with APPL (APPLE, APPLICATION, and APPLY).

Use the following operators to limit your search.


Use AND to search for events with at least one occurrence of each term.

state and budget
returns events with both state and budget.


Use OR to search for events with at least one occurrence of any term.

state or budget
returns events with either state or budget.


Use NOT to search for events with one term and not another.

state not budget
returns events with state but only if they do not also contain budget.


Use NEAR to search for events with terms that are near to one another.

state near budget
returns events where the term state is near the term budget.


Use ACCUM to search for events with at least one occurrence of any term and rank according to the number found.

state accum budget
returns events with either state or budget, but those with both terms will receive a higher numerical ranking and appear at the top of the search results.

When you do a text search, each retrieved record is given a numeric ranking—the higher the score, the more relevant the record is to the text search criteria. The numeric rank appears for each record on the Search Results page and is used for the initial sort of the found records.

Include Events

Scheduled events are those that contain a date. Unscheduled events have not been assigned a date. Leave the default option, Only scheduled events, selected to search for events that have a date. Use an Only unscheduled events search to locate events that do not have a date, or use the All Events search to find both scheduled and unscheduled events. When you search for scheduled events, you can limit the search by date and time.

Synchronization Status

Synchronized events are those IQ Events which have been synchronized with Outlook or iCal. Options in this field allow you to search for Only Synchronized Events, Only Unsynchronized Events, or All Events.  The default is Only Synchronized Events..

Date Range

Search for events that are scheduled for a date or date range by entering dates in the from and to fields by typing a date or clicking the calendar icon next to the field and selecting a date from the calendar that appears. Leave these fields blank to search for all scheduled events regardless of their date. If you selected the All events or Only unscheduled events option, the date fields are unavailable.

Start Time Range

Search for events that are scheduled to begin at a specific time or within a time range by entering dates in the from and to fields. Leave these fields blank to search for all scheduled events regardless of their time. If you selected the All events or Only unscheduled events option, the time fields are unavailable.

Event Status

To limit your search based on the event status, use the Search on Selected Status option. When you select this option, the Status check boxes are available for you to identify the status of events you want to search for. You can select multiple status codes. To include all events regardless of status in your search, use the default Search on All Status option.

Entered By and Entered Date

To search for events that were entered by one or more users, or those that were created on a date or within a date range, complete these fields.

Revised Date

To search for events that were revised on a date or within a date range, complete these fields.

Calendar List

This field lets you view event records in a previously selected list. Click in this field to view all available lists, and click a list name to select it. You can filter the selected list by entering criteria in other fields on this page.

Attached People

This field allows you to find events that contain an attached People record or records. Click in this field and type one or more names (first and last name or just last name) each on a separate line. If you enter more than one name, IQ will perform an OR search which will return events that contain any of the names entered in this field.

Search by ID

To search for an event by its ID, type the ID in this field.

Custom Field and Value

If your office created custom fields for Event records, you can use this search option to locate Event records that contain a specific custom field and value. Click in the Custom Field drop-down to display a list of available custom fields and select the field. Type the word or phrase in the Value field.