Quick Search Criteria

A quick search lets you select from an existing list of fields or field combinations. You can search for a record using a name only, or you can use other search criteria. Click in the Search People for field to display the list of available criteria, which include: Person, Affiliation Code, E-Mail Address, Name, Name and Address, Name and Address or People ID(s), Name or Organization, Name Sounds Like, Organization, People ID(s), Phone Number, People List, and ZIP Code(s). You can set the default criteria selection for this field in your user Preferences.


A person search allows you to locate People records based on first name, last name, title, organization, email address, preferred mailing address or primary home phone number. Type at least the first three characters of the word and the first 10 records will appear in a drop-down list below the search field. The list is refreshed after each additional character is typed. If you type multiple words or numbers the search will filter records which contain words that begin with all of the strings you entered.  Place your mouse over a record in the list and it will turn red. Click the red record to display the People explorer with just that record. If there are more than 10 records found an ellipse (...) will appear. Click the ellipse (...) or the Go button to display all the found records in the People explorer.

Affiliation Code

An affiliation search lets you search for People records based on affiliation codes that they contain. If you know the code, type it in the field. To search for a code, click the search icon and select a code from the list that appears. You may enter multiple affiliation codes in the field. Select the or radio button to find records that contain at least one of the selected codes. Select the and radio button to find only those people records that have ALL of the selected affiliation codes.

E-Mail Address

You can use an E-Mail search to find People records that contain an e-mail address or e-mail address string. If you know the complete e-mail address, type it in the field. To do a partial search on an e-mail address, use the asterisk (*) with the string as in the following examples:


A name search looks for records that match the name you enter in the Name field. The more name information you enter, the more specific your search will be. If, for instance, you enter only the last name Smith, the search will give you a list of everyone in your database with the last name Smith. To narrow your search, include a first name, for example, John Smith.

A name search finds all names that match exactly, as well as those that match and have additional characters. For example, if you search for the last name Smith, you will also see Smithfield and Smithson, as well as Smith, in your results. If you include a first name in your search, matches are based on the first three characters of the first name. For example, if you search for the first name Tim, your results include Tim and Timothy but not Tom. If you search for Jo Jacob, the search returns all records with the name Jo Jacob, as well as records for Joseph Jacobs, Joe Jacobson, Joann Jacobs, and so forth.

If you're searching for a last name that consists of two or more words separated by a space, connect the words with an underscore character (_) to indicate that both words are part of the last name, for example, van_meter. Using the underscore character in this example tells IQ that van is part of the last name and not the first name.

If you include a middle initial in your search, results include those records with a matching middle initial or a middle name that begins with that initial. If you include a middle name, search results include those records with a matching middle name.

Name and Address

When you select this option, two fields appear for entry of name and address information. When you enter search criteria in both fields, the search results will contain only those records with both types of information (an AND search).

Enter the last or first and last names in the Name field. A wildcard (*) is automatically appended to the name parts, so you may enter only a partial name. You may type the wildcard character (*) at the beginning of the name to search for name parts ending with the string you enter. Type a single word, multiple words or a string of characters to use for the Address search. IQ automatically adds a wildcard (*) to the beginning and end of the word or words and then searches all four address lines, city, and ZIP Code.

The following are examples of Name and Address searches:

Name and Address or People ID(s)

This option combines the Name and Address search with the People ID(s) search into one search option. When you enter search criteria in two or more fields, IQ will find only those records that contain ALL of the search criteria (an AND search). In addition, you can select the Exact check box next to the Name field to find an exact match to the first and/or last name rather than a match based on the first 3 characters of the first and/or last name. Note that if you include a middle name along with a first and last name, such as Mary Lou Williams, in the Name field and select the Exact check box, IQ will find Mary Williams as well as Mary Lou Williams.

Name or Organization

Type a single word that is located in the name of the person (First or Last name) or organization (Organization 1 or Organization 2 fields) for which you are searching. IQ automatically adds the wildcard character (*) to the beginning and end of the word. For example, a search for *George* would find a record for Mr. George Smith, a record for Mrs. John George, and a record for George's Printing Co.

Name Sounds Like

Soundexing converts a last name into an alphanumeric code. Similar-sounding names have the same soundex code.

Selecting Name Sounds Like searches for all records with last names whose soundex matches the last name you entered in the Name field. If you search for the last name Smith, for example, records with a last name of Smithe, Smyth, Smythe, as well as Smith are returned. When you include a first name with a soundex search, the search is for a match on the first three characters of the name. If you include a middle name or initial in your search, results include only those records with a matching middle name or initial or none at all.

Every soundex code consists of a letter and three numbers. The letter is always the first letter of the last name. The numbers are assigned according to the following guide. The letters A, E, I, O, U, H, W, and Y are disregarded. Double letters are treated as one letter, side-by-side letters with the same code number are treated as one letter, and zeroes are added at the end if necessary to produce a four-character code.


Represents the Letters


B, F, P, V


C, G, J, K, Q, S, X, Z


D, T




M, N



For example, the name Washington is coded W252 (W, 2 for the S, 5 for the N, 2 for the G, remaining letters disregarded). The name Lee is coded L000 (L, 000 added). The names Allen, Alan, and Alleyne are all coded A450 and are therefore considered a soundex match.


Type the name of the organization for which you are searching for. The search type defaults to Equal To, which is an exact match search. For example, an Equal To search for Mission System would not find Mission Systems or Business Mission System. Click in the field and select Beginning With to find organizations that begin with a word, select with All Words to find whole or partial words, select with Any Words to find only whole words. For example, a Beginning With search for Mission would find Mission Systems but not Critical Mission System. A with All Words search for Mission would find both Civil Rights Commission and Center for Mission. A with Any Words search for Mission would find Center for Mission but not Civil Rights Commission.

For a listing of organizations that begin with a letter of the alphabet, click a letter in the alphabet bar located below the search fields. An alphabetic search includes organizations with the article "The" at the beginning of their name under the letter of the second word of their name. For example, when you click the W link, you'll retrieve records for Washington Post and The Washington Post. The Washington Post also appears for a "T" search. Records sort alphabetically by the first word; Washington Post records sort with other "W" records and The Washington Post records with "T" records. To search for organizations that begin with special or numeric characters, click the Other link. Note that IQ searches both the Organization 1 and Organization 2 fields in the People record.

Records found with an alphabetic search appear below the alphabet bar. The number of addresses and People records with each organization name is indicated in the Address Usage and People Usage columns. Click the organization name link in the Organization column to view the People record or records with that organization name on the People Search Results page. Click the Modify Search link to return back to your organization search results on the People Quick Search page.

People ID(s)

If you know the ID of the People record you're searching for type it in this field to go directly into that People record. To find multiple records, separate IDs with commas (7006317, 7006216) or search for a range by entering a hyphen between the IDs (7006317–7006350). Found records appear on the People Search Results page.

Phone Number

A phone number search lets you search for People records that contain a phone number. Type the complete phone number in the field to find People records with that phone number. The number can be of any type—home, business, fax, etc. You may use a wildcard character (* or %) to search for partial phone number information. For example, a search for 937* would find records with phone numbers that begin with 937, *537-2271 would find those with phone numbers ending with that string, and *225* would find numbers containing that string at the beginning, middle or end. Note that IQ searches ALL communication types including imail (email addresses) and removes all non-numeric characters such as ( or - when it constructs the SQL for the Phone Number search. This means that the search results may contain People records that do not have a Phone Number, but have an email address with the string. For example, a Phone Number search for 703* would find an email address of jsmith703@yahoo.com.

People List

You may use a previously selected list of People records when searching for People records. Click in the field to view the names of all available lists. The number of records in each list is shown in parentheses next to the list. Click a list name to return it to the field and then click the GO button to display records in the list.

ZIP Code(s)

To find records for several ZIP Codes, separate IDs with commas (22306, 22318) or search for a range by entering a hyphen between the ZIP Codes (22306–22310).