About Documents

Documents of all types may be maintained in the IQ Document module. These can include standard form letters, press documents, internal memos, and so forth. The Document module organizes your documents on the database server in the Document Directory where you can place them in folders and subfolders that you create. You can limit the number of documents allowed in IQ by entering the number in the "Maximum number of Documents Allowed in the Document Library" setting in the System Configuration page. Once this limit has been reached, no new documents may be added to IQ.

Much of the outgoing correspondence that your office produces uses standard form letter responses. These standard responses can be used as the body of a letter or the message of an e-mail. Through the Documents module, you can create new form letters and new versions of existing form letters, search for form letters, copy, move, delete and archive form letters, change the status of form letters, and maintain letter and envelope formats.

Other office documents that you create locally on your workstation can be moved to the Document module where they can be accessed by other IQ users. In addition to the Document Directory, mail image files that are stored outside of IQ can be accessed from the Mail Image Tools submenu for users with access to Security Lock #50.