Sending an Alert Message

Intranet Quorum provides the ability to send an alert message to selected users, along with a link to the Event record.

To send an alert message:

  1. Add a new event or search for an existing event.

  2. Select the Send Alert action on the Event panel.

  3. Complete the fields on the Alert Person to Event dialog page.

  4. Click the Send Alert button to send the alert.

Alert Person to Event Fields


This field is automatically populated with the IQ users for the selected calendars in the Calendar field in the Event record. You can select additional users by clicking the lookup icon for a list of all the IQ users who have access to the selected calendars in the Calendar field of the Event record.


The Subject field is optional. If you leave this field blank, IQ will use "Calendar Event Alert".


The Message field is optional. IQ automatically includes a hyperlink to the event record in the alert message.