Creating Retention Schedules

The Retention Schedule serves as the basis for the computation of the Expiration Date and Disposition of the records. With the appropriate security, you can maintain control over records by categorizing them using file plans and setting retention schedules.  IQ Archivist manages the process of deleting a record after a specified period of time or saving it indefinitely.  You can control file plans and retention schedules through an automated or manual process, or a combination, so that rules are integrated with workflow business processes.  Once a record reaches the end of its retention schedule, IQ Archivist will prompt you for a final disposition.

To create a new schedule:

  1. Click the Archivist module tab.

  2. Click the Schedule submenu link. Note: The Schedule submenu link only appears if your IQ user-id has been granted access to Security Lock #261.

  3. Select the Add Schedule action.

  4. Complete the fields on the New Schedule record page.

  5. Select the Save and Close action.

New Schedule Record Page


Type the name of the retention schedule (such as 12 Months). The name is a required field and is limited to 20 characters.


This field defaults to All types of record retention. Note: Workflow records are currently the only type of IQ records which can be retained in the Archivist module. The ability to retain other types of IQ records may be added to the Archivist module in the future.


This field can be used to further describe the retention schedule when the name does not provide enough information about the schedule.

Retention Base Date

This field allows you to select the based date for calculating the Disposition Date of the official record. The following based dates are available:

Complete Date – IQ will use the date the workflow record was closed as the base date for calculating the Disposition Date. So if the Retention Months is 12 months and the workflow was closed on 10/26/2009, then the Disposition Date of the official record would be 10/26/2010.  

End of Calendar Year IQ will use the last date of the current calendar year (i.e. 12/31/2010) as the base date. So if the Retention Months is set to 24, then the Disposition Date would be 12/31/2012 (which is 24 months from 12/21/2010).

End of Fiscal Year IQ will use the last date of the fiscal year, which is 9/30, as the base date. So if the Retention Months is set to 12, then the Disposition Date would be 9/30/11 (which is 12 months from 9/30/2010).

End of Presidential Administration –  IQ will use the last date of the current Presidential Administration (i.e. 1/19/2013) as the base date. So if the Retention Months is set to 24, then the Disposition Date would be 1/19/2015 (which is 24 months from 1/19/2013).

Retention Months

Type the number of months Archivist records should be retained in IQ. Leave this field blank if the records should remain in IQ forever.


The Disposition is the action that automatically occurs on the calculated Disposition Date. Actions include None, Destroy, Review and Accession to NARA. Select None, if no action should be performed automatically for records created by this schedule. Select Destroy if you would like IQ to permanently delete records created by this schedule. Records are deleted by a background job called "Archivist Records Maintenance" which is scheduled to run at 8pm on the first day of each month. When the "Archivist Records Maintenance" job runs, it will delete all Archivist records with a Disposition of Destroy and a Disposition Date before or equal to the last day of the previous month and not coded as ON HOLD. If you would like to review records at a future date, select Review. Note: The Accession to NARA option is not currently implemented.


Select this check box if the schedule should no longer be available for selection.