Creating Saved Search and Saved Lists

Market: Federal/State/Local, House, Senate

Description: In IQ, you can create manage your records via saved searches and saved lists.  These instructions teach users how to create these lists.

Saved List: The records that are saved in a Saved List are static.  This means that they are the same set of records; no records are added/removed from the list.

Saved Search: The number of records that are saved in a Saved Search may change over time as new records that meet the criteria are added to and/or existing records that no longer meet the criteria are removed from the Saved Search.  Saved Search provides the same results as creating a Favorites.

Creating a Saved List

1.Navigate to the set of records that you want to include in the Saved List.

2.Use the Filters to further narrow your search criteria as needed.

3.Click More and select Save List.

4. Complete the fields related to the Saved List.   This is an example of a Saved List for Messages.

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Viewing a Saved List

1.Navigate to the module which contains your saved list.

2.Under Utilities, select the list option.  The title will differ depending on the module (i.e. My Contact List, My Message List, My Service List, My Library List, My Events List, etc.)

3.The set of saved lists will be displayed.  Click View Records to access the records included in the saved list.


Creating a Saved Search 

In addition to creating a Favorites link to access saved records, another option to create a Saved Search in the IQ Audience Builder. 


Create an Audience

1.Navigate to Contacts > New >Audience.

2.The Audience Builder window appears.

3.Compete the fields as needed.  Refer to Using the Audience Builder for detailed instructions. 

4.To view the list of records within your Saved Search, click List Size.

5.Click Add to Menu as “Saved Search”. 

6. This Saved Search will appear as a link in the Contacts menu.



Viewing a Saved Search as a Favorite

See Shortcuts > Creating Favorites

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