Creating and Viewing Favorites

Market: Federal/State/Local, House, Senate

Description:  These instructions teach users how to select IQ records as Favorites in order to access them more quickly.

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Viewing a Favorite

Creating a Favorite 

1.Within the IQ Tool, search the set of records that you want to save.

2.At the upper right corner under your profile name, select  or the Favorites icon.

3.The Favorites window appears on the screen.

a.In the Add to Menu field, select the menu where the Favorites link will be displayed and added.  This example uses the Messages menu.

b.Enter the title for this Favorite.

c.Click Add to Favorites

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Viewing a Favorite

You can access the set of records included in a Favorite in any of these 3 locations:

1.Favorites window.

2. Module.  The favorite links are displayed under the basic search field.

3. Home Menu > Saved Searches tile.

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