Attaching Files to a Vote

You can attach documents, scanned images, and other files that are stored on your workstation to a Vote record. Any user can view the attachment from the Attachments panel of the Vote record.

To attach a file to a vote:

  1. Search for and access the Vote record.

  2. Select the Attach File action to go to the Vote Attachment - NEW dialog.

  3. Enter the name of the file in the Title field. IQ displays the title on the Attachments panel. Note: This is a required field.

  4. You may enter a description of the file in the Description field, however, it is not displayed on the Attachments panel.

  5. Click the Attach button. IQ displays the File field and Browse button.

  6. Click the Browse button to search for and select the file. IQ displays the selected file name on the Attachments panel.

  7. Click the Save button to close the dialog and return back to the Vote record.

To scan and attach a document to a vote:

  1. Search for and access the Vote record.

  2. Select the Attach File action to go to the Action Attachment - NEW dialog.

  3. Enter the name of the document in the Title field. IQ displays the title on the Attachments panel. Note: This is a required field.

  4. You may enter a description of the document in the Description field, however, it is not displayed on the Attachments panel.

  5. Click the Scan Image button. IQ displays the IQ Scanning and Image File Upload dialog with the following options:

To view an attached file or scanned document in a vote:

  1. Search for and access the Vote record.

  2. Click the Attachments tab.

  3. Click the magnifying glass icon in the Title column to view the contents of the file in a new window.


  1. Click the file link in the Title column to go to the Action Attachment - # dialog.

  2. Click the View File button. IQ displays the contents of the file in a new window.

  3. Close the window to return back to the Action Attachment - # dialog.

  4. Select the Close button to close the dialog and return back to the Attachments panel.

To detach/delete an attached file or scanned document from a vote:

  1. Search for and access the Vote record.

  2. Click the Attachments tab.

  3. Click the file link in the Title column to go to the Action Attachment - # dialog.

  4. Click the Detach File button to detach the file, but retain the Title, Entered By, Entered Date and Description information. Click the Delete button to detach the file and delete the Title, Entered By, Entered Date and Description information (i.e. the Attachment record).

  5. Select OK to confirm you want to detach the file or delete the attachment record from the Vote record.

  6. Select the Close button to close the dialog and return back to the Attachments panel.