Deleting Mail

You can delete a pending or completed Mail record if your IQ user-id has been granted access to Security Lock# 34 for mail deletion. If you do not have rights to delete Mail records, the Delete action does not appear. If you have access rights to delete mail and the Mail record is secured by record security, then the Mail record will not be deleted.

To delete mail:

  1. Search for the mail record through mail search or name search.

If you searched by mail, click the ID link to display the record.

If you searched by name, on the People Record page, click the Mail tab and locate the Mail record under the Pending or Completed Mail section of that panel. Click the ID link to display the record.

  1. Select the Delete action and click OK to confirm deletion of the record. If you're deleting a Mail record that contains a custom letter, the letter text is also deleted from the server.

Remember that if you’re deleting mail that was sent to multiple people (a targeted mailing), the record is removed from the history of all People records.

If your IQ user-id has been granted access to Security Locks 34 and 53, you can also delete mail from the Mail or Batch Search Results page by selecting the check box next to the record or records you want to delete and then selecting the Delete action. IQ displays the Delete Mail dialog with the count for each type of Mail record (Single or Targeted). Click the Delete button to delete all of the selected records. Select the Delete in Background button to create a background job to delete the selected records. This allows you to continue working while the records are deleted. You will receive an IQ Alert or email when the background job has completed deleting the mail records.  Note: The Delete action is useful when you have a group of mail records to delete that you've identified through an advanced search. You can use the Select All link on the Search Results page to select all found records and then delete them. When you delete all records in a batch, the batch is also deleted.

You can delete an unsaved Mail record by selecting the Cancel action on the Mail Record page. This action is available only for new Mail records. Once you've saved a mail record, you must use the Delete action to delete it.

Note: If there are any Discussions associated with the deleted Mail record, they will also be deleted even if the user does not have access rights to delete Discussions.