Advanced Search Criteria

Fields on the Advanced Search page let you enter as much criteria as necessary to find the mail record or records you're searching for. The more information you enter, the more specific your search will be. Remember that when you enter criteria in more than one field, the advanced search finds records that meet all the criteria (an AND rather than an OR search). For example, if you enter criteria in the Assigned to, Status, and Date In fields, the search will return only those mail records that meet all these criteria. Records with matching criteria in only one or two of the fields would not be returned.

The following fields are available for an advanced search: Status, Search Text, Assigned To, Issue Code, Form Letters, Custom Letter Name, Batched Status, Response Type, Priority, Check Out Status, Salutation Type, Methods, Date In, Date Out, Last Modified Date/Time, Mail List, Correspondents, Affiliation Codes, Show Address, Show Phones and Include.


The advanced search defaults to all mail (pending and completed). Additional Status options are: Pending (All), which select all pending mail records (those that have not been completed) regardless of their status; (On Hold), which selects only pending records with a status of On Hold; Denied Approval, which selects mail records submitted for approval and denied; Request Approval, which selects mail records that have been submitted for approval; Approved, which selects all pending records with a status of Approved; and Completed, which selects only records that have a status of Completed.

Search Text

You can search for words or phrases in incoming files attached to mail records, in mail record Comments field, in the body of letter text or outgoing attachments, or in fill-in text entered in mail records.  If you select more than one of these options, an implied OR search is performed—the index for each is searched individually and then the results are combined. To search for text in an incoming e-mail message, select the Incoming Attachment check box.

When you do a text search, additional fields are available to let you further narrow the search. These include the mail status, batch status, response type, and date range.

Type the word for which you're searching in the For field. If you're searching for a phrase, enclose the words in braces { }. You can also use parentheses to organize the logic of your search, for example "(apple AND oranges) OR fruit". You can use $ for word stemming, for example $speak finds words like SPEAK (SPEAK, SPEAKS, SPOKE and SPOKEN. The % allows you to search for words which begin with (appl%), end with (%tion) or contains (%part%) a string. For example, appl% finds words which begin with APPL (APPLE, APPLICATION, and APPLY).

Use the following operators to limit your search.


Use AND to search for mail with at least one occurrence of each term.

budget and taxes
returns mail with both budget and taxes.


Use OR to search for mail with at least one occurrence of any term.

budget or taxes
returns mail with either budget or taxes.


Use NOT to search for mail with one term and not another.

budget not taxes
returns mail with budget but only if they do not also contain taxes.


Use NEAR to search for mail with terms that are near to one another.

budget near taxes
returns mail where the term budget is near the term taxes.


Use ACCUM to search for mail with at least one occurrence of any term and rank according to the number found.

budget accum taxes
returns mail with either budget or taxes, but those with both terms will receive a higher numerical ranking and appear at the top of the search results.

When you do a text search, each retrieved record is given a numeric ranking—the higher the score, the more relevant the record is to the text search criteria. The numeric rank appears for each record on the Search Results page and is used for the initial sort of the found records. In addition, searched words will appear with yellow highlight for mail record Comments and Response Letter Text. If you used the braces {} to search for a phrase, the yellow highlight will appear over the entire phrase. If you do not use the {}, every word that you searched for will be highlighted.

Assigned To

The Assigned To field lets you search for mail that's assigned to an individual user (or users) or to all members of a group. Click in the first field and select Users or Group and click the search icon next to the second field to select users or groups. If you search by Group, the results will include mail for all members of that group. Note: If your IQ user-id has not been granted access to Security Lock #55, you will not be able to search for mail that is assigned to other IQ users.

Issue Code

To find mail regarding one or more issues, type the issue code (or codes, one per line) in this field. You can also click the search icon next to this field to search for, select, and enter codes in the field.

Form Letters

Type the name of a form letter or click the search icon next to this field to search for, select, and return a form letter to this field. This field lets you search for mail to which this letter has been assigned. If you're searching for mail with no letter assigned, select the No Letter check box next to this field.

Custom Letter Name

Type a string of characters in this field to find all custom letters containing that string in their name. The characters can be at the beginning, in the middle, or at the end of the custom letter name.

Batched Status

Click in this field and select Batched or Unbatched to find letters that have or have not been added to a batch.

Response Type

Use this field to limit your search to Form Letter Response, Form Letter Response (no duplicates), Form Letter Response (only duplicates), Form Letter Response (only duplicates to person), Form Letter Response (only duplicates to household) or Custom Response.


The Priority field defaults to mail with any priority. Click in this field to search for mail with a priority of 1, 2, or 3, a combination of these priorities, or No Priority.

Check Out Status

Use this field to limit your search to Only Checked Out Letters or Only Checked In Letters. Click in this field to select a status from the drop-down list. If you want to find letters with any status, or if you're not sure of the status, select All in the Check Out Status field.

Salutation Type

The Salutation Type field defaults to All. Click in this field and select Formal, Informal, Family or Friend  if you want to search for mail records that contain one of those salutation types. Select None if you want to find mail records that do not have a salutation.


Use the Method fields to search for mail with a specific method. Click the search icon next to the Incoming Methods or Outgoing Methods field to search for, select, and return an incoming or outgoing method code to the field.

Date In

To find mail within an incoming date range, enter a beginning date in the From field and an ending date in the To field by typing a date or by clicking the calendar icon next to the field and selecting a date from the calendar that appears. Leave both fields blank to include all records in your search, regardless of when the record was added. Enter a date in the From field only to find all records with an incoming date equal to or greater than that date. Enter a date in the To field only to find all records with an incoming date less than or equal to the one in the To field.

Date Out

To find mail within an outgoing date range, enter a beginning date in the From field and an ending date in the To field by typing a date or by clicking the calendar icon next to the field and selecting a date from the calendar that appears. Leave both fields blank to include all records in your search, regardless of when the mail was added. Enter a date in the From field only to find all records with an outgoing date equal to or greater than that date. Enter a date in the To field only to find all records with an outgoing date less than or equal to the one in the To field.

Last Modified Date/Time

To find mail that was revised within a date and time range, enter a beginning date in the From field and a beginning time in the At field.  Enter an ending date and time range in the To field and an ending time in the At field. You can type the date or click the calendar icon next to the field and select a date from the calendar that appears. Leave both fields blank to include all records in your search, regardless of when the record was revised. Enter a date in the From field only to find all records with a modified date equal to or greater than that date. Enter a date in the To field only to find all records with a modified date less than or equal to the one in the To field.

Mail List

The Mail List field lets you find records in a previously selected list. Click in this field to view all Mail lists and click a list to select it. You can filter the selected list by entering criteria in other fields on this page.


Enter the name (first and last or just last name) to find Mail records for that person. You may enter multiple names, each on a separate line, to locate mail records for each person (an OR search).

Affiliation Codes

This field can be used to search for Mail records with an associated People record with one or more affiliation codes. To perform an OR search for affiliation codes, enter one code per line )or click the search icon next to the field and select multiple codes from the list that appears) and select the or radio option. To perform an AND search for affiliation codes, enter one code per line and select the and radio option.

Show Address

Select the Show Address check box to show the primary address for all People records on the Mail Search Results page.

Show Phones

Select the Show Phones check box to show the primary communication (such as phone and email) for all People records on the Mail Search Results page. This option is not selected by default; once you have selected it, the setting is saved until you clear the check box.


The TMail and WF Mail check boxes let you include in your search mail that is part of targeted mailings or related to workflows. To include either type of mail, select the appropriate check box. To exclude either type of mail, clear the check box. When you select or clear a check box for a search, the check box remains selected or cleared for subsequent searches until you change it.