Searching for eForms

You can search for eForms based on information entered in the status, type, owner, name, description, created or modified date field or combination of fields. In this way you can find, for example, all eForms with a particular status code, those eForms created within a date range, or even eForms containing a particular text string in their Name or Description fields, or those with a combination of these criteria.

To search for an eForm:

  1. Click the Documents tab and click the eForm submenu link.

  2. The Owner field defaults to your IQ user name.

  3. Click the GO button to search for eForms that you own; OR

Make changes to the fields on the Search Criteria page if you want to expand or further limit the search and then click the GO button to begin the search.

  1. Your search results appear on the eForm Search Results page. From there you may click an ID link to view or edit the eForm Record page. If you're not satisfied with the results of your search, click the Modify Search link to modify your search with additional or different criteria.

Search Criteria

Fields on the eForm Search page let you search for eForms. You can search for an eForm based on who owns the eForm, its status, name or description, and when it was created or last modified. An eForm must meet all criteria entered on this page in order for IQ to locate it with the search.

The following search fields are available:  Status, Owner, Name or Description, Date Created and Date Modified.


When you create a new eForm, it defaults to the status Draft. You can limit the search results to eForms that have the same status by selecting the check box next to the status. The check boxes in this section are sticky, so when you log out of IQ and back in, IQ remembers which types were selected. Remove the check boxes to find all eForms regardless of their status.


This field defaults to your IQ user name. If you want to search for eForms that are owned by ALL IQ users, then click in this field and remove your name. If you want to limit the search to a specific user or users, click the lookup icon and select one or more users for entry in this field.

Name or Description

You can search for an eForm based on its name or description. Click in the first field and select Contains, Starts With, or Ends With to find all eForm names or description containing, beginning with or ending with the string you enter in the second field. These string searches are not case sensitive. If you know the EXACT name or description of the eForm, select Exactly in the first field and then type the entire name or description in the second field.

Date Created

To find eForms created within a date range, enter a beginning date in the From field and an ending date in the To field by typing a date in the field or by clicking the calendar icon and selecting a date. Leave both fields blank to include all eForms in your search, regardless of when they were created. Enter a date in the From field only to find all eForms with a creation date equal to or greater than that date. Enter a date in the To field only to find all eForms with a creation date less than or equal to the one in the To field.

Date Modified

To find eForms that were modified within a date range, enter a beginning date in the From field and an ending date in the To field by typing a date in the field or by clicking the calendar icon and selecting a date. Leave both fields blank to include all eForms in your search, regardless of when they were modified. Enter a date in the From field only to find all eForms with a modified date equal to or greater than that date. Enter a date in the To field only to find all eForms with a modified date less than or equal to the one in the To field.