IQ4 Help   


Insert Forward to a Friend Option                                                                                                  

Insert Forward to a Friend Option

When creating an eNewsletter, you can include a merge code allowing recipients to Forward to a Friend.  Once clicked the recipient can include email addresses in order to forward the eNewsletter to others.

Forward to a Friend

1.To include the "Forward to a Friend" merge code in the content of the eNewsletter, place your cursor in the content where you would like to enter the link.

2.Select Merge Codes   under the Insert menu to open the list of available Merge Codes.

6.Select "eNewsletter" under Data Source.

7.Select "Forward to a Friend Hyperlink" in the Merge Field section.

8.Click the Insert Merge Code button.

9.The text [[$$$FORWARD$$$]] appears in the eNewsletter content.  When sent, this link will display a message, which is entered in your IQ System Configuration Settings for forwarded eNewsletters, and when clicked will allow the receipient to enter multiple email addresses to forward. 

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