IQ4 Help   


Create a MS Word Form Letter Template                                                                                                  

Create a MS Word Form Letter Template

To create a MS Word or "Classic Style" Form Letter Template, select a "Classic Style" Form Letter Template to begin.  A "Classic Style" Form Letter Template integrates with Microsoft Word and allows you to use all of the native functionality in Word.  You can use Word's Track Changes, as well as create headers and footers in the Template.  Word formatting is available for those rare cases where complex formatting for printed letters cannot be achieved without the advanced formatting options available in Word.  "Classic Style" Form Letters are best used for Printed Messages.

If you are creating an eNewsletter, you should opt for the HTML Style Template.  The HTML editor provides the most consistent displays in your recipients' various email clients.


Important Note:

The [[$$$LetterText$$$]] insertion point is used in a "Classic Style" Print Format to indicate where in the Email Format to merge the contents from the Print Format.  "Classic Style" Templates may contain formatting (header image, letter date merge code, salutation, address merge codes, closing) in either the Email format or the Print  Format, but not both.

Email Hide Merge Codes must be used to indicate the formatting or content that SHOULD NOT be displayed when sending a letter by email.  Typically, you would use Email Hide Merge Codes around address blocks, and possibly around some of the closing information that you would normally print on a letter, but not an email.


Anything between these two merge codes will appear on a printed message, but will be hidden on an emailed message.



Create a Classic Style Form Letter Template

1.From the Library Big Menu, select Form Letter Template in the New column.

2.Type the new Form Letter Template name.  Each Form Letter Template must have a unique name in IQ.

3.Be sure the Type is Format.

4.Keep the default Directory location (located on the System Configuration Settings for Documents) or select a different Directory in which you would like to place this Form Letter Template.

5.Select a MS Word or "Classic Style" Format.  You may know which are "Classic Style", but this process is made easier by naming Formats in such a way that you can tell the difference between "Classic Style" and HTML Style.

6.Use the Add button.

7.To create or edit content in the Form Letter Template, use the Check Out button.

                    If you are working in Internet Explorer AND your workstation is using ActiveX, the Microsoft Word document will open automatically and you can begin to edit.

                    If you are working in any other browser, or if you are working in Internet Explorer and are NOT using ActiveX, you will need to click to open in Microsoft Word. 

8.Once you have completed all the edits in Microsoft Word, save and close the Microsoft Word file.

9.If you wish to save your changes in IQ, use the Check In button.  If you do not wish to save your changes, use the Undo Checkout button.

                    If you are working in Internet Explorer AND your workstation is using ActiveX, the Microsoft Word document will automatically be checked in.

                    If you are working in any other browser, or if you are working in Internet Explorer and are NOT using ActiveX, you will need to locate the file on your workstation, and select it for check-in.  Typically, you will find the file in your "Downloads" folder.

10.When you are ready to use your new Form Letter Template, change the Status to Approved

Edit the Print Format

1.From the Library Big Menu, select the option All Form Letter Templates in the "Find" column.

2.Locate the Template you would like to edit.

3.Select the Template by clicking on the name.

4.Open the Format tab.

5.To edit content in the Print Format, select the Print Format button and use the Check Out button.  If the Form Letter Template has been used to create Form Letters, you will need to use the Make New Version button on the General panel.

                    If you are working in Internet Explorer AND your workstation is using ActiveX, the Microsoft Word document will open automatically and you can begin to edit.

                    If you are working in any other browser, or if you are working in Internet Explorer and are NOT using ActiveX, you will need to click to open in Microsoft Word. 

7.Once you have completed all the edits in Microsoft Word, save and close the Microsoft Word file.

8.If you wish to save your changes in IQ, use the Check In button.  If you do not wish to save your changes, use the Undo Checkout button.

                    If you are working in Internet Explorer AND your workstation is using ActiveX, the Microsoft Word document will automatically be checked in.

If you are working in any other browser, or if you are working in Internet Explorer and are NOT using ActiveX, you will need to locate the file on your workstation, and select it for check-in.  Typically, you will find the file in your "Downloads" folder.

9.When you are ready to use your new Form Letter Template, change the Status to Approved.

Edit the Email Format

1.From the Library Big Menu, select the option All Form Letter Templates in the "Find" column.

2.Locate the Template you would like to edit.

3.Select the Template by clicking on the name.

4.Open the Format tab.

5.To edit content in the Email Format, select the Email Format button and use the Edit Email Format button.  To do this, the Name must be "Custom Format".

6.Once you have completed all the edits in the HTML editor, use the Save button. 

7.When you are ready to use your new Form Letter Template, change the Status to Approved.


Important Note:

When editing the Email format in the HTML editor, you must be sure that the Track Changes flag is turned off in the editor.  You can only do this if there are no pending changes in Track Changes. 

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