IQ4 Help   


Mass Update Assigned User                                                                                                  

Mass Update Assigned User

If your office is assigning specific users to handle certain Issue Codes, you can mass update the Assigned Users of Issue Codes following these simple steps. This is very useful when a staff member is departing your organization.


Mass Update Assigned User


1.From the Messages Big Menu, select Codes. When the dialog box displays, select Issue to display all active and archived codes.


2.From the list view, place a check mark next to the Issue Code(s) you'd like to update.

3.On the Menu Bar, select Change. From the drop-down menu select Assigned User.



4.From the User drop-down menu, select the staff name and click Save to update. If your organization utilizes Pro/Con/Neutral positioned based Issues, be sure to add the check mark to update. Check the second box to update all messages currently associated with the select Issue Code(s) to the new Assigned User.



5.To remove the assigned user(s) of multiple issue codes, scroll to the bottom of the User drop-down menu and select Remove Assigned User. Click Save to update and check appropriate boxes if needed.



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