IQ4 Help   


Emailing Reports                                                                                                  

Emailing Reports
Most reports can be generated and emailed directly from IQ. The common fields, such as email to (recipient) , email from, email subject and email message, allow you to customize your message that is sent with the report.


How to email a Report


1.Open a module and select Reports from the Big Menu.

2.Click on the desired report to be emailed.

3.Select the email report button


When to send the email: Select a date and time to send the email

Email the report to: Enter the name(s) of recipient. Each email address should go on a different line.


From Address (Optional): Enter a email address here. If you leave it blank, it will default to IQ's email address.


Subject (Optional): Enter a subject line. If left blank, it will use IQ's default subject line


Message (Optional): Enter a message.

4.This is will bring up the email dialog box.


5.Select the Email Report button.

A confirmation dialog box will appear that will schedule the email at the intended date and time



6.Select the Close button


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