Search for Votes
You can locate votes for either the House or Senate chambers using the appropriate Big Menu search option. You can locate votes in either the current or a prior session.
To locate votes, use the Big Menu option you require:
•House Votes - Current Session: These are the votes that are currently being considered by the House. You will also find votes for any legislation that has been brought up by the House in this current session.
•Senate Votes - Current Session: These are the votes that are currently being considered by the Senate. You will also find votes for any legislation that has been brought up by the Senate in this current session.
•House Votes - Prior Session: These are the votes that were considered by the House in previous legislative sessions.
•Senate Votes - Prior Session: These are the votes that were considered by the Senate in previous legislative sessions.
•Member Vote Comparison: This option allows you to compare votes by all members of a Chamber. You can locate a particular vote by searching the Session, the Chamber, the Primary Member, or the Secondary Member.
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