Analyze Records

The Analyze Selected action and Analyze All By... link provide a way to look at the results of a record search based on a wide variety of data elements (such as database fields) and display them in a format such as a Bar Graph or Table.  The Analyze Selected action and the Analyze All By... link are available on the search results pages for most IQ modules. To setup your default analyze fields, select the More... link at the end of the Analyze All By field list and then click the Setup Default Analyze Fields button. Remove unwanted fields from the Selected Fields To Analyze list and add fields from the Possible Fields To Analyze list. Save your default by clicking the Save Default Analyze Field Changes button at the bottom of the dialog. To restore the IQ defaults select the Restore Default Analyze Fields button.


To analyze all records in the search results:

  1. Click the module tab (People, Mail, Workflow, etc.) for the type of records you want to analyze.

  2. Click the Search submenu link.

  3. Search for the records you want to analyze.

  4. Click the Analyze All By... link.

  5. IQ displays a list of pre-selected fields for the IQ module. Click the link for the field you want to analyze or click the More... link to open a dialog with additional fields. Note: You can setup your default fields by clicking the Setup Default Analyze Fields button.

  6. IQ displays the Analyze Records with a list of field values and number of records for each value.


To analyze selected records from search results:

  1. Click the module tab (People, Mail, Workflow, etc.) for the type of records you want to analyze.

  2. Click the Search submenu link.

  3. Search for the records and select the checkbox next to the records you want to analyze.

  4. Select the Analyze Selected action.  

  5. Select the field or fields in the list of Possible Fields to Analyze that you would like to include in the analysis. You can filter the list by typing part of the field name in the Filter field.


Click the "Select recently used settings" drop-down for a list of previously selected fields, format and sort options. If you select one of these, then skip to Step #9.

  1. IQ displays the selected data elements in the Selected Fields to Analyze column.  The order of the fields determines the order of the data on the report.

  2. Click in the Format Options field and select one of the following layouts for the report.

  1. The Sort Options allow you to control how the Bar Graph and Columnar reports are sorted.   

  1. Click the Run Report button to display the results in a new window.


 To setup your default analyze fields:

  1. Select the More... link at the end of the Analyze All By field list. IQ displays the Analyze Records dialog for the selected records.

  2. Click the Setup Default Analyze Fields button. IQ displays the Set Default Analyze Fields for <IQ User> dialog.

  3. Remove unwanted fields from the Selected Fields To Analyze list and add fields from the Possible Fields To Analyze list. Save your default by clicking the Save Default Analyze Field Changes button at the bottom of the dialog.

Note: To restore the IQ defaults select the Restore Default Analyze Fields button.