Background Job Record Page

The Job Record page contains two standard panels: Job and History. A third panel, Frequency, appears when you select the Make Job Recurring action. The Job panel contains information about the job such as status, date and time the job is schedule to run and alert options. The History panel contains information on who created the job and status changes. The Background Job record page can be accessed by clicking the Job ID column in the list of background jobs. Actions for the Job record allow you to make a job recurring, cancel a job or delete a job.

Job Panel

Fields on this panel are grayed out if the Job is currently running. You must cancel the job in order to make changes.

Job ID

 The Job ID is a unique ID that is automatically assigned by IQ when the Job is created. This field can not be edited.

Job Title

The Job Title is the descriptive name for the Job that is assigned by IQ and is included in the alert message to the selected user(s) and/or group(s) when the background job completes successfully or fails.


This identifies the type of background job and is included in alert messages sent to the selected user(s) and/or group(s) when the background job completes successfully or fails.

Job Parameters

Some background jobs require parameters that are passed to the program being called.


This field contains the current status of the job, which include Queued, Running, Failed, Completed and Canceled.

Schedule Date

This is the date the background job is scheduled to run. You may select another date by clicking the calendar icon or typing a date in the field.

Schedule Time

This is the time the background job is scheduled to run. You may select another time by entering it in this field.

Email Report

Select Yes if you would like IQ to email the report to the email address(es) listed in the Email Address field, otherwise leave this field set to No.    


Enter the email address(es) of the person(s) who should receive the report.

Alert Option

This field defaults to None. Select Completion or Failure if you would like IQ to send an alert to the selected user(s) and/or group(s) when the background job completes successfully or fails.     

Alert User(s) and Alert Group(s)

Select the user(s) and/or group(s) that you would like IQ to send an alert to when the background job completes successfully or fails.

Job Results

This field contains the error message for failed background jobs.

History Panel

This panel contains information about when the job was created and any changes to the status of the background job. Information includes the date, time, user and description of the action.

Frequency Panel

This panel only appears when you select the Make Job Recurring action in the Job or History panel. The Frequency panel contains three sections: Schedule Job Occurance, Schedule Job Date Range and Report Date Range.

Schedule Job Occurance

The Schedule Job Occurance section contains the following three options, which let you select how frequently the job will take place. When you select one of these options, the fields and check boxes next to it become available.


Select this option for a job that will occur more often than weekly. The recurring job is scheduled for every day in your date range, including the Start and End dates, if you enter 1 in the Every field. If you want to schedule a date for every other day, enter 2 in this field. Enter 3 for every third day, and so forth.


Select this option to schedule a recurring job on the same day every week—use a check box to select the day of the week and enter 1 in the Every field. To schedule a job on the same day every other week, select 2 in the Every field; select 3 in the Every field to schedule a job on the same day every third week, and so forth.


Select this option to schedule a job on a monthly or yearly basis. To schedule a job for a particular day of the month, select a number from 1 to 31 from the day field. For example, to schedule a job on January 1, February 1, and so forth, select 1 in this field. In the Every field next to the day field, select the frequency with which to schedule the job. For example if you selected 1 as your day, and selected every 2 months, the job would be scheduled for January 1st, March 1st, May 1st, and so forth. Note: If the selected day of the month (i.e. 10th) is prior to the current day of the month (i.e. 1/13/11), then the Scheduled Date field on the Job panel will be updated for the next month (i.e. 2/10/11). If the selected day of the month (i.e. 15th) is after the current day of the month (i.e. 1/13/11), then the Scheduled Date field will be for the current month (i.e. 1/15/11). To schedule a monthly job on a particular day of the week, select options from the second row of Monthly fields. For example, select Second and Tuesday to place the job on the second Tuesday of every month.

Schedule Job Date Range

The Schedule Job Date Range section allows you to select the End Date for the recurring job. Click the calendar icon to select a date or you can type the date in the field.

Report Date Range

The Report Date Range section is used for background jobs for reports which contain a single date field or date range fields in the report criteria page. Click in the Report Date field and select one of the following date options for the background job to use to calculate the date or date range for the report:

CurrentDay – Scheduled date

CurrentWeek  – Sunday to Saturday for week of Scheduled date (start and end day of week based on current date)

CurrentMonth – First and last day for month of Scheduled date (end of month day based on current date)

CurrentYear  – January 1st of year of Scheduled date

PreviousDay – Day before current date

PreviousWeek  – Sunday to Saturday for week before week of current date

PreviousMonth – First and last day for month before month of current date

PreviousYear  – January 1st of year before of year current date

NextDay – Day after current date

NextWeek – Sunday to Saturday for week after week of current date

NextMonth – First and last day for month after month of current date

NextYear – January 1st of year after year of current date